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From Stressed to Holistic Success: My Story of Transformation & the 5 Steps that Saved Me

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Have you felt overwhelmed lately while juggling motherhood and money? 

Hi, my name is Ms. Joyce Poliard. I am a Strategist and Coach at Holistic Success Solutions. I am passionate about holistic success because I have learned that it is all connected. What is the point of having lots of money without peace of mind? 

What is Holistic Success?

To me holistic success means that we focus on growth in 5 key areas of life. Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Physical and Financial Well Being. 

Some people focus on their business and career all while neglecting self-care. 

Background Story

I remember 5 years ago being a new mom. I was running my business and facing burnout. I had mom guilt so I didnt trust others to watch my daughter.  I was trying to complete multiple task at the same time which left me feeling drained. I was operating from a place of exhaustion instead of excitement. I contemplated giving up on the business. I remember looking at my daughter and saying “How could I tell her to go after her dreams if I had given up on my own dreams. 

I told myself I could indeed raise a child and run a successful business. If there were other people making things happen, then I could do it too. I had to focus on possible solutions and not just my problems. 

Why Holistic Success is Best!

Holistic Success has allowed me to transform my life into one that I wake up each day excited about the opportunities ahead instead of focusing on the obstacles. 

It has allowed me to slow down to see things clearly and devise a reasonable action plan.

The more I showed up for myself, I started pouring from an inspired cup which benefited my daughter, my clients and friendships. 

Not only has holistic success helped me, but has transformed the lives of other moms as well. 

For instance one mom was able to decrease mom guilt by scheduling weekly family time and self-care sessions. 

Another mompreneur reduced overwhelm by using a BOSS mom routine which involved using a calendar to schedule her life appointments. 

So many moms have reported that they stopped stressing and improved their well-being by fostering a community to share struggles and insight.

Proven Process for Holistic Success 

How are all these mompreneurs able to make these impactful changes? I want to share with you the BOSS Mom Blueprint. My proven 5 step process that helps moms achieve holistic success without stress, burnout or overwhelm. 

The amazing thing about this process is that no matter where you feel broken in life, You are able to pick up the pieces and push forward. 

Step 1: Resting in the pause.- take the time to assess and address what’s going well and plan what’s next. 

Step 2:  Redefining peace. Peace of mind is priceless. Redefining peace helps us reduce anxiety and overwhelm. Taking the time to take inventory of what makes us tick and how to transform. 

Step 3: Reclaiming power - Where is the source of your power? What you give power to, has power over you. How do we take that power back?

Step 4: Reigniting Passion and Purpose What is life really if we are not living in purpose and passion? This step allows you to analyze what we desired before life happened. What can you do to make time and incorporate what fulfills you?

Step 5:  Rising to Prosperity. We are not here to wake up and work. We should dare to dream and define what prosperity looks like for ourselves. This step goes beyond the money to what truly matters, Health, wealth and proper planning. 

Next Step

These steps are truly a roadmap to keep you on the route to progressing to success in life.

This video is a brief overview of the Boss Mom Blueprint. Hope you it was enlightening. Subscribe to the Holistuc Success Builders’ YouTube channel.

Grab your free Boss Mom Bundle limited time offer.

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