How Mompreneurs Find More Time To Be Productive

Productivity Tips for Mompreneurs

How do you find the time to get everything done? You must not sleep. One client told me boldly. The more others said variations of this statement… I started believing this was true. The truth is there are twenty-four hours in the day for everyone. Some people use it more wisely than others.

When I set out to succeed as a mompreneur without feeling burned out I knew I had to do things differently from others. The first thing I did was cancel the cable and Netflix subscriptions. Secondly, I began to assess my daily schedule and audit my time like the IRS looking to catch a money crook. Some actions we take seem like we are headed in the right direction but may not be the best use of our time. Then I had to differentiate activity versus productivity for work-life balance.

I had to differentiate activity versus productivity for work-life balance.
— Quote Source

Juggling motherhood and running a business is a superpower. But even superheroes need a break! One of the biggest challenges mompreneurs face is the constant feeling of not having enough time. Tasks pile up, and that dream of a balanced life seems to fade further with each passing minute. 

The good news? You're not alone. Countless mompreneurs struggle to find time to complete their endless to-do lists. But there's a secret weapon that can help you reclaim control: the time audit.

What is a Time Audit?

Think of a time audit as a financial audit for your day. It involves tracking your activities for a specific period, usually a week, to understand exactly where your time goes. This awareness is crucial for making informed decisions and prioritizing tasks effectively.

Challenges Mompreneurs Face When Managing Time

Mompreneurs need special skills to achieve success

  • Context Switching: Jumping between tasks for kids, clients, family, friends, and your business can be a time drain and often leaves you overwhelmed but time management is essential to achieve success as a mompreneur.

  • Unrealistic Expectations: Trying to cram too much into your day sets you up for frustration and missed deadlines.

  • Interruptions: From spilled juice boxes to unexpected phone calls, mompreneurs are masters of handling disruptions. But these constant interruptions can derail your focus and productivity.

  • Perfectionism: The desire to do everything perfectly can lead to procrastination and missed deadlines.

How a Time Audit Can Help You:

A time audit shines a light on these challenges and helps you develop strategies to overcome them. By tracking your activities, you'll gain insights into:

  • Time-wasters: Are you spending too much time scrolling on social media or checking emails? A time audit will reveal these hidden time wasters.

  • Unrealistic workloads: Sometimes, we simply have too much on our plates. The audit will help you identify tasks that can be delegated, outsourced, or eliminated.

  • Patterns: Do you find yourself more productive in the mornings or evenings? Identifying these patterns can help you schedule tasks for optimal efficiency.

Putting the Power of Time Audits into Action:

  1. Choose Your Tracking Method: Pen and paper work great! You can also use time-tracking apps or create a spreadsheet.

  2. Track Your Activities: For a week, record everything you do in 30-minute increments. Include work tasks, household chores, leisure activities, and even sleep.

  3. Analyze Your Data: At the end of the week, categorize your activities and see where your time is going.

  4. Take Action: Based on your findings, identify areas for improvement. Can you batch similar tasks together? What about scheduling specific times for emails and social media?


Remember, a time audit is an empowering tool for time management for busy moms, not a punishment. It helps you understand your current reality and create a schedule that works for you, your business, and your family. As a mompreneur, we must learn to discipline our distractions or things like binge-watching our favorite shows and being on social media will rob us of our dreams. 

Set boundaries for people especially those who are not in alignment with your dreams. Take a keen insight into the conversations you spend your time having, With our 7 P’s to Success you create a master plan, which includes time for important tasks and setting daily routines.

Next Steps

Ready to Create a System for Holistic Success?

At Holistic Success Solutions, we offer "Done-With-You" services specifically designed to help a mompreneur like you create systems for holistic success. These systems will not only help you manage your time effectively, but also streamline your workflow, reduce stress, and allow you to achieve your business goals while still being present for your family. Ditch the burnout hustle!

Schedule a free discovery call with us today! Let's discuss your unique challenges and explore how our Done-With-You services can help you reclaim your time and build a business that thrives alongside your family life.

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The Boss Mom Productivity Bundle will help you audit your time and so much more. 

Ms. Joy Poliard

Ms. Joy Poliard is a Holistic Success Strategist and Coach. She enjoys helping Mompreneurs and beyond create holistic plans to succeed in life and business. Her focuses are mindset and money. She is a girl mom, loves hazelnut coffee and is a night owl. Her life mission is to leave an imprint on the world that can’t be erased.


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