7 Tips To Kickstart Your Business Journey [Mompreneurs]

The mompreneur's journey is filled with equal parts excitement and moments of exhaustion.

We wear so many hats: mothers, nurturers, providers, and now, entrepreneurs. While passion fuels our fire, sometimes reality bites harder than we anticipate. I’ve turned an expensive hobby, into a side hustle, into a thriving business. 

As moms we do so much, having a business is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Having a flexible schedule and a business that works around family life is freedom. Looking back, here are some key insights I wish I'd known before embarking on this amazing, yet challenging, path:

Surround Yourself with Wise Counsel: 

Not all advice is created equal. While your mom might shower you with love, she might not understand the intricacies of your chosen field. I used to get upset when my family and friends didn’t support my vision, but I realized that they were trying to protect me. How could they guide me to somewhere they have never gone before? I would advise you to seek a mentor and/or coach who's walked the mompreneur path and can offer expert guidance on strategy, challenges, and growth. Their experience can save you valuable time and energy.

Lay the Foundation First: 

Don't get swept away by the thrill of launch. Take time to craft a solid business plan, outlining your goals, target audience, finances, and marketing strategy. This roadmap will keep you focused and prevent pitfalls down the line.

Systems are Your Superpower: 

Juggling motherhood and business requires organization and efficiency. Establish routines and systems for everyday tasks, client communication, and financial management. This frees up mental space and ensures things run smoothly, even when chaos reigns elsewhere.

Define Your "Why": 

Beyond finances, what drives you? Clarifying your mission and values keeps you grounded when challenges arise. It also attracts clients who resonate with your purpose and fuels your passion when the going gets tough. Some of us want to keep our lives private, however, if we don’t have the budget for influencers and ads- it starts with a personal story. We must also identify who we are called to serve. 

This Ain't Hobbytown: 

Treat your business professionally. Invest in branding, a website, and quality tools. This establishes credibility and attracts clientele willing to invest in your expertise. Because why would someone invest in us, when we haven't invested in ourselves?

Marketing is Non-Negotiable: 

Building a business requires proactive marketing. Learn essential strategies like social media engagement, content creation, and email marketing. Even a small budget can generate leads with the right approach.  It’s an ongoing process that requires our brand to be relatable and relevant. 

Ditch the Supermom Cape (It's Okay to Ask for Help): 

We can't do it all. Delegate tasks you don’t like and outsource to freelancers when possible. Leverage technology. Explore childcare options that support your work hours, pray, and try people out. Remember, asking for help doesn't make you weak; it makes you strong and smart.

Include The Little Ones

While you shouldn't burden your child with business tasks, involve them age-appropriately. Share your journey, discuss challenges, and brainstorm solutions together. This fosters an entrepreneurial spirit and creates a valuable mother-child connection. 

After seeing Mommy on countless Zoom meetings and creating, now my daughter wants to write a book and create inspirational products for children.

Take Away

Remember, the mompreneur journey is full of twists and turns. Embrace the lessons, celebrate the victories, and don't be afraid to adapt. With the right tools, support, and clear vision, you can build a thriving business while nurturing your little ones and yourself. Now go out there and conquer the world, one diaper change at a time! 

Thanks for reading the Boss Mom blog post.

Hi, my name is Ms. Joyce Poliard. I help mompreneurs and motivated moms let go of stress and struggle to achieve holistic success with Boss Mom Blueprint. Download the Boss Mom Bundle today (while it’s still free.) Tap here to grab your free guide to increasing clarity, self care, and productivity.

Hi my name is Ms. Joy Poliard and I empower Mompreneurs with the blueprint to build their dream life and biz.

Ms. Joy Poliard

Ms. Joy Poliard is a Holistic Success Strategist and Coach. She enjoys helping Mompreneurs and beyond create holistic plans to succeed in life and business. Her focuses are mindset and money. She is a girl mom, loves hazelnut coffee and is a night owl. Her life mission is to leave an imprint on the world that can’t be erased.


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