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From Stressed to Holistic Success: My Story of Transformation & the 5 Steps that Saved Me
Ms. Joy Poliard Ms. Joy Poliard

From Stressed to Holistic Success: My Story of Transformation & the 5 Steps that Saved Me

To me holistic success means that we focus on growth in 5 key areas of life. Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Physical and Financial Well Being.

Some people focus on their business and career all while neglecting self-care.

I remember 5 years ago being a new mom. I was running my business and facing burnout. I had mom guilt so I didnt trust others to watch my daughter…

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7 Tips To Kickstart Your Business Journey [Mompreneurs]
Ms. Joy Poliard Ms. Joy Poliard

7 Tips To Kickstart Your Business Journey [Mompreneurs]

The mompreneur journey is filled with equal parts excitement and moments of exhaustion. We wear so many hats: mothers, nurturers, providers, and now, entrepreneurs. While passion fuels our fire, sometimes reality bites harder than we anticipate. I’ve turned the expensive hobby, to a side-hustle, to a thriving business.

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Making it Happen as a Mompreneur
Ms. Joy Poliard Ms. Joy Poliard

Making it Happen as a Mompreneur

… in recent years, an increasing number of mothers have taken on another journey—the path of entrepreneurship. These brave women are known as "mompreneurs," and they are redefining the possibilities of success, both as mothers and business owners.

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