How To Go Beyond Vision Boards

Setting Goals and Embracing the Future with Habakkuk 2:3

Ever stood in line at the airport patiently awaiting your flight to take off to your dream destination vacation? That feeling of vast possibility, of dreams waiting to be chased, is captured in the powerful verse from Habakkuk 2:3: "For the vision will come forth; it will not be false. Even though it delays, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not be late."

This isn't just a promise for ancient prophets. It's a beacon of hope for anyone who dares to dream, anyone who feels that tug towards a brighter future. It whispers: set your sights high, hold onto your vision, and trust that even in the face of delay, it will come to pass.

Set your sights high, hold onto your vision, and trust that even in the face of delay, it will come to pass.
— - author

But how do we translate this biblical promise into concrete action? How do we turn that mountaintop vision into a roadmap for our lives? Here are a few thoughts:

  • Plant the Seeds of Vision: What sparks your soul? What do you see yourself achieving, becoming, or experiencing in the years to come? Write it down, draw it out, share it with a trusted friend. Let the vision take root in your heart and mind.

  • Break it Down, Step by Step: A mountain is climbed one step at a time. Take your big vision and break it into smaller, actionable goals. Make them SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. This gives your vision a tangible path to follow.

  • Weather the Delays: Habakkuk reminds us that "it delays," but "it will surely come." There will be setbacks, detours, and moments where the future seems shrouded in mist. But don't let discouragement dim your vision. Remember, even the mightiest oak started as a tiny seed weathering countless storms.

  • Focus on the Journey: The path to your vision is just as important as the destination. Celebrate the small victories, learn from the stumbles, and find joy in the process of growth. Remember, the climb itself is a testament to your courage and determination.

  • Hold onto Hope: Habakkuk's message is ultimately one of unwavering faith. Trust that the universe, or a higher power if you will, is guiding your steps. Believe in your strength and resilience, and never let the fire of your vision flicker out.

So, stand tall, dreamers, and gaze towards the horizon. Let Habakkuk 2:3 be your compass, your guiding light. Plant your seeds of vision, nurture them with focused action, and weather the delays with unwavering hope. Remember, for the vision will come forth. It will surely come.

Now, go forth and climb your mountain, one step at a time. The world needs your unique light, and the future awaits your arrival with open arms.

Are you a mompreneur who wants more out of life? Download the productivity pack today and jumpstart your growth and goals.

Ms. Joy Poliard

Ms. Joy Poliard is a Holistic Success Strategist and Coach. She enjoys helping Mompreneurs and beyond create holistic plans to succeed in life and business. Her focuses are mindset and money. She is a girl mom, loves hazelnut coffee and is a night owl. Her life mission is to leave an imprint on the world that can’t be erased.


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