How to Achieve More in 2024

Mompreneurs on a Mission to Conquer New Year Goals!

Hey Mama Bosses! It's a brand new year, the ink still fresh on calendars and resolutions dancing in our heads. We moms in business, the fearless "mompreneurs," know the thrill of chasing dreams while juggling diaper bags and board meetings. But let's face it, turning those sparkling intentions into reality can feel like wrangling toddlers in a candy store. Worry not, sister! This year, we're taking control with an arsenal of goal-crushing strategies guaranteed to make 2024 your most impactful year yet.

Paint Your Masterpiece: Vision Board Magic

Before diving headfirst into action, let's ignite that inner fire with a powerful visualization tool – the vision board! Think of it as a vibrant roadmap for your dreams. Gather images, quotes, and snippets that represent your goals, from that six-figure launch to a serene yoga retreat. Arrange them on a board, a digital slideshow, or even a Pinterest board – personalize it to your soul. Every glance will serve as a potent reminder of the amazing you're building.

Break it Down, Brick by Brick: Actionable Steps

A breathtaking vision deserves a concrete path. Take each big goal and dissect it into bite-sized action steps. Want to launch your online bakery? Break it down to website creation, recipe testing, and marketing strategies. Each small step becomes a victory dance, propelling you towards the ultimate win. Remember, even baby steps, taken consistently, conquer mountains.

Your Weekly Weapon: Planning for Powerhouse Productivity

Now, let's get tactical! Enter the magical realm of the weekly planner – your secret weapon for laser-focused action. Schedule designated work blocks, carve out precious "me-time," and plot in those action steps, ensuring they fit your unique Mompreneur rhythm. Color-code tasks, highlight milestones, and don't forget to pencil in those well-deserved breaks (bubble baths optional, but highly encouraged!).

Bonus Tip: Embrace the Tribe!

Remember, you're not alone in this mama-on-a-mission adventure. Find your tribe – supportive fellow mompreneurs who get the juggle, the hustle, and the heart behind your dreams. Share your goals, cheer each other on, and celebrate every victory, big or small. A strong community can be the wind beneath your wings, propelling you to even greater heights.

Freebie Alert! Download Your Goal-Getting Toolkit!

Excited to crush your 2024 goals? We've got you covered! Download our free Mompreneur Goal Getter Toolkit – a treasure trove of templates, guides, and worksheets to help you craft your vision board, map out your action steps, and conquer your weekly planner like a pro. Just click here and unleash your inner goal-achieving goddess!

So, Mompreneur, let's raise a glass (of coffee, wine, or green juice – no judgment here!) to a year bursting with purpose, productivity, and yes, even a little (a lot?) of fun. This is your year to rise, to shine, and to prove that the impossible is just a waiting room for our unstoppable energy. Go forth, conquer, and remember, mama, you've got this!

Ms. Joy Poliard

Ms. Joy Poliard is a Holistic Success Strategist and Coach. She enjoys helping Mompreneurs and beyond create holistic plans to succeed in life and business. Her focuses are mindset and money. She is a girl mom, loves hazelnut coffee and is a night owl. Her life mission is to leave an imprint on the world that can’t be erased.


How To Go Beyond Vision Boards


Making it Happen as a Mompreneur